Although this website is arranged alphabetically, the last half of it also represents a group often referred to as the 1960 generation or the "Slovak new wave." These are artists who came from Slovakia to go to FAMU, a school in Prague. With their highly unique stagings and individual styles that were developed at an early age, they made something of a renaissance at FAMU. They have all chosen to remain in Prague after school and even after the break up of the two countries.
Rudo Prekop is known for his heavily constructed studio work with people and later with objects. These images are tributes to his resourcefulness as the materials he works with come for the most part from the garbage-but he is primarily concerned with how the object will pass light as all of his work until very recently was backlit. This gives them the visual reference of manrayograms or hyroglyphics. His work is strongly linked to sculpture, since he spends most of his time collecting, building and arranging the set. In the work done with figures, Prekop works with themes from fairy tales and the Bible, as well as relationships between people. Their identity is not important; their gestures are stylized, they are flat like paper cut-outs: they are stand-ins for Everyman. His monument series is visually very similar to his work in studios with people-the scale is smaller, but this is not immediately apparent. They are baroque altars-to everything from little overlooked elements of life--like mushrooms-to whole states of being: joy, sadness and death. He uses bits of found forgotten things and uses them to exhalt-as the Bible says-"the last shall be first." There is a relationship here to soviet monuments honoring daily life and ordinary workers by making it or them look heroic.